Happenings Beyond the Lion

Happenings Beyond the Lion

Saturday, June 25, 2016

I Think I'll Read a Book for Pleasure

The last book I read for pleasure was one of the Harry Potter books.  I have not read a book of my choosing since becoming a mom. It just never seemed to fit in the day.  Every second was eaten up with the things that come with being a mom and a teacher. Cleaning up the mess, grading, fixing the broken toy, planning the lab, shopping for the lab supplies, grading, cooking dinner, grading and fixing the lunchboxes have been the priorities that took precedence over reading a book for pleasure (did I mention that grading took up a lot of my time?).  I've read books for school, to grow as a teacher, and I've read so many books to my children and students, but I just couldn't figure out a way to do it for myself.

I look back on my days of reading with great fondness.  Josh used to go with me to Books-A-Million where we'd stay up all night, waiting in line with the 12-14 year olds, for the release of the next book in the Harry Potter series.  I'd carry my book around, reading it, living in the magic.  That was like another life that I was apart of once.  I've decided that I should read a book again.  As much as I LOVED reading the Harry Potter series, I'm choosing to read a book that fits my life right now, in the current moment.

I'm going to read, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch. I am excited!  I'm going to like sit quietly with a cup of coffee and read.  How crazy is that!?  I didn't wait in line all night to buy the book, instead I just ordered it on Amazon and it was delivered right to my front porch in a small cardboard box.  But here it sits on my coffee table, the book of my choosing, and I'm going to enjoy every second of every page!  Feel free to join me.  Sip after sip of coffee, I'll write my thoughts down, chapter by chapter, and journal my way through it.

(Coffee cup raised to toast you virtually.)  Here's to reading!


  1. I think I'll order and read, too! I think I, too, will read this book for fun;)

    1. Great, Jennifer! We'll read it together! The more, the merrier!

  2. Glad you have joined your
    daughter, your grandmother & great-grandfather in the love of reading...
